Strive for lofty goals

TagAnnual Review

Aiming to become a better version of myself and achieve lofty goals, I conduct annual reviews and planning, all for personal record keeping.

Annual Review for 2024


The 2024 annual review was completed just before the Chinese New Year, I chieved good results in work, life, travel, and finances. In terms of health, there were no significant changes—it remained consistent just as bad as previous years.


公众号注册有一段时间了,一直没有一个很好的契机写写文字。习惯了借助有特殊意义的时间去做一些改变,趁着元旦请了几天假出国放松下,新的一年回过头总会发现时间飞逝的同时伴随着很多感慨,在慢节奏下记录这些感慨汇总成2019的点点滴滴。 老赛道与新征程...

Strive for lofty goals